
Monday, 30 October 2017

My Silent Reading Today

Image result for thea stilton and the star castaways

I read from 87 to 158 and this is what happened.
5....4....3......2.....1...... blast off.After the 5 girls blasted to the moon they were feeling dazed what they got onto the moons surface.Their space suits protect themselves,Pamela was asking the gadgets on the on the space ship.There was a big kind of building on the moon.I think that building was to help the people relax.

Friday, 27 October 2017

Word Problems (IXL)

We are rewinding our learning about how to show our thinking steps when solving word problems.

2-D Shapes

Learning Goal - I am learning to explore the properties of 2-D Shapes.

My Typing Test

Learning goal:I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.
This will help me finish my work faster.

On Monday,for my (WPM) I got 56 because my hands just didn't feel like I could type and they were lazy to type.

On Monday,for my (WPM) I got 46 because I got some of them wrong.

My Basic Facts Tests

Learning goal:I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.
I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

On Monday,for my results I got 48/60 because I hate doing timed but it helps me to learn the Groupings within 100.I need to work on Groupings within 100,Addition to 20,Subtraction to 20 and Division/2 /5 /10,

On Friday,for my results I got 45/60 because my hands were a little bit lazy and tired.I need to work on Groupings within 100,Addition to 20,Subtraction to 20 and Division.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

My Silent Reading Today

Image result for thea stilton and the star castaways

I read from 74 to 158 and this is what happened.
When the 5 girls was about to take off they needed some food because they were hungry and they had to get everything ready and get their spacesuits on.The girls also didn't want forget anything else,the girls was excited to go on the moon and they keep on jumping up and down.They needed to eat first and then go to the moon.                                          TO BE CONTINUED........

My Silent Reading Today

Image result for thea stilton and the star castaways

I read from 17-158 and this is what happened.
When Thea was going to New Mouse City she was going to the TV to watch the news and as she saw the news she saw Nicky,Colette,Pamela,Paulina and Violet.She said that those girls were her students at MOUSEFORD ACADEMY.She freaked out and she obviously knew that they were going to space because Thea could tell by them wearing space suits.After that Thea rang Octavius De Mousus (The headmaster of MOUSEFORD ACADEMY).Thea said to him that the five girls asked thea to tell you that they’ll share all the details with you when they return.After that all happen,professor Mousilda Marblemouse,the Modern languages teacher at MOUSEFORD ACADEMY asked Paulina to bring the Thea sisters.


Tuesday, 24 October 2017

3-D Shape Activity

I have learned different kinds of 3D shapes and also learning what they are called.I have also learned how many faces,edges and vertexes they have.

Monday, 23 October 2017

My Silent Reading Today

Image result

I read from 113 to 114 and this is what happened.
After Geronimo was invisible they needed the invisibility machine so they can transform Geronimo back to human.So they were doing the invisibility machine but later they got attacked by cheese balls because this fat guy he had a car that was shooting out cheese balls and it couldn’t stop.But lucky for them because Geronimo stopped them because they can’t see Geronimo because he is invisible.Then the fat guy crashed into a tank.But the invisibility machine was crushed and Geronimo said that he can’t transform to human anymore now he is going to be invisible forever.The guy that used to be invisible he said that he could fix it but he has to get it in the his lab.Then they went to his lab and they fixed it.  

My Silent Reading Today

Image result for geronimo stilton books the invisible thief

I read from 101 to 114 and this is what happened.
After Swiftpaws,Geronimo and Lady Wonderwhiskers got attacked by 1 2 and 3 they went in a tunnel and they were still looking for the invisibility machine so he can transform himself to human.After that,finally they found it and as the invisible thief about go in it and transform then 1 2 an 3 showed.Then they had a huge fat fight,but lucky for the invisible thief because they can’t see him and he got to the invisibility machine on time.Then all you can see was blue lights zapping then half of his body was human and the other half was still invisible,after that they still had that huge fat fight and then suddenly Geronimo got into the invisibility machine and then some how he was invisible.
                                TO BE CONTINUED…...

Friday, 20 October 2017

My Typing Test

Learning goal:I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.
This will help me finish my work faster.

On Monday,for my (WPM) I got 54 because I was working on my own and I was concentrating.

On Friday,for my (WPM) I got 55 because I was sitting somewhere else and that help me to get more (WPM) then 54.

My Basic Facts Test

Learning goal:I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.
I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

On Monday,I got 41/60 because I miss my brother because he is in Australia.I need to work on Groupings within 100,Addition to 20,Subtraction to 20,Multiplication x2 x5 x10,Division /2 /5 /10

On Friday,I got 41 again because I missed some of them.I need to work on Groupings within 100,Addition to 20,Subtraction to 20,Multiplication x2 x5 x10 and Division /2 /5 /10.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

My Silent Reading Today

Image result for geronimo stilton books the invisible thief
I read from 101 to 114 and this is what happened.

After Swiftpaws,Geronimo and Lady Wonderwhiskers got attacked by 1 2 and 3 they went in a tunnel and they were still looking for the invisibility machine so he can transform himself to human.After that,finally they found it and as the invisible thief about go in it and transform then 1 2 an 3 showed.Then they had a huge fat fight,but lucky for the invisible thief because they can’t see him and he got to the invisibility machine on time.Then all you can see was blue lights zapping then half of his body was human and the other half was still invisible,after that they still had that huge fat fight and then suddenly Geronimo got into the invisibility machine and then some how he was invisible.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

My Silent Reading Today

Geronimo Stilton Heromice : #5 Invisible Thief - Geronimo Stilton
I read from pages 82 to 114 and this is what happened.
After Geronimo Stilton,Lady Wonder Whiskers and the Duchess was looking for the Invisible Thief at the invisible Thief’s lobby.They found the thief and the thief told the whole story about why he needed the diamonds and why he was building the invisibility machine.He needed the diamonds and built the invisibility machine so that he can transform himself to real life person instead of a invisible person.Then they heard a weird sound coming from the ground all of a sudden some big fat guy came out of this weird machine and then when he was gone three big guys tying their hands with ropes but someone else showed up but they didn’t know who it was. He said that he has a little machine and it keeps them laughing if they are close to the little machine.After that all of the guys were gone and no one could save them but only the invisible thief,there was a floating scissors and Geronimo asked the invisible thief where has he been all this time and he said that he’s been here next to him all the time but he just kept quiet all the time.