
Friday, 25 August 2017

What is my number?

Learning goal:I am learning that numbers can be shown in many different ways

I can show in my presentation some of the different ways my number can be recorded.

My favourite way is making up a word problem.

My typing Test

Learning goal:I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.
This will help me finish my work faster.

On Monday,for my (WPM) I got 44 because I like typing and it helps me get my work done quickly.

On Friday,for my (WPM) I got 48 because I was fully concentrating and no one was disturbing me.

My Basic Facts Test

Learning goal:I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.
On Monday I got 42/60 because no one was disturbing me or distracting me or humming songs.Now I know what I need to work on,I need to work on Groupings within 100,Addition to 20,Subtraction to 20,Multiplication x2 x5 x10 and I also need to work on Division /2 /5 /10.

On Friday I got 35/60 because I wasn't focusing on it and I missed some of it.Now I know what I need to work on,I need to work on Groupings within 100,100s & 1000s,Addition to 20,Subtraction to 20,Multiplication x2 x5 x10,Division /2 /5 /10.

Friday, 18 August 2017

What is my number?

Learning goal:I am learning that numbers can be shown in many different ways

I can show in my presentation some of the different ways my number can be recorded.

My favourite way is making up a word problem.

My typing test

Learning goal:I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.
This will help me finish my work faster.

On Monday,for my (WPM) I got 48 because I wasn't getting distracted,disturbed or anyone looking at my screen.

On Friday,for my (WPM) I got 45 because I was watching TV and getting distracted.

My Basic Facts Tests

Learning goal:I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.
I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

On Monday,for my results I got 38/60 because I hate Mondays

On Friday,for my results I got 38/6 again because I was so tired that I could go sleep all day.

Friday, 11 August 2017

Quick Write

A Morning tea without WIFI!!

The Power Went out your school today.Write a short recount about your experience.

When the power went out I was wondering
why they were out.

After that I went to go hang my bag and get my charger out of my bag and putted it in my desk.

When I just noticed that the power was out and no internet,I was shocked and I was saying in my head.”What is going on?What are we going to do?Did something happened.

After that it was time for morning tea and we had to stay in inside because it was raining.

After that I ate and I wanted to go on my netbook when I just realised that there was no power,no internet.I said “AWWWWW MAN”.

So I decided to do my art.When I started to do my art,I didn’t know what pattern to do.

When the wifi was still off I panicked inside of me because I can not live without wifi.I can’t even imagine having a day without wifi.

When the power came on and when the wifi turned on I was so very happy.I hope that doesn’t happen ever again.

What is my number?

Learning goal:I am learning that numbers can be shown in many different ways
I can show in my presentation some of the different ways my number can be recorded.
My favourite way is making up a word problem.

My Typing Test

Learning goal:I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.
This will help me finish my work faster.

On Monday,fro my (WPM) I got 38 because I get some words wrong.

On Friday,for my (WPM) I got 40 because I didn't want to get a lower result and I was fully focused.

My Basic Facts Test

Learning goal:I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

On Monday,for my results I got 28/60 because I wasn't really concentrating that much and I was a little cold.I know what I need to work on,I need to work on groupings within 100,addition to 20,Division,subtraction to 20 and multiplaction

On Friday,for my results I got 40/60 because I was fully concentrating and no one was disturbing me or distracting me.I know what I need to work on,I need to work on Addition to 20,Groupings within 100,Subtracting to 20 and Division 

Friday, 4 August 2017

My Special Moment in the Holidays

Learning Goal 
write about one special moment from your holidays.
Use your personal voice, describe your special moment using your senses. 

A Blasting Hotel!!

On Sunday Ana,Toni,Everley,Hiva,Toni Leka and Alfred were packing their clothes into their suitcases so that we can go to the Hotel in Sky city.I already packed my clothes the day before Sunday.We went to the Hotel so that we can have fun and plus I have not been there.

After that it was time to go,as soon as I got into Toni’s blue old car I was excited because I haven’t been away from my parent’s house.I bet that it will be fun away from my parent’s house and it was time to go.

When we were halfway there I was nearly knocked out,as my eyelids were going to shut,the car stopped and I opened my eyes straight away.But then I decided to stay awake because I knew that I wouldn’t go back to sleep.

When we were nearly there it was so cool because I could see the Sky Tower from far away.When we came closer to it and it was so tall that I had to wind down the window to see it.

After that we were looking for a parking space so that we could park,then we finally we found a park.Then we went inside and we went inside the elevator and my mum went to go book the room.

After that we went to the room and when my mum swiped the card,I opened the door and when I saw the two beds I went straight inside.I put my suitcase and my netbook on the bed and I went to the window and I saw the most beautiful,coolest and scariest view I have ever seen in my entire life and I felt like I was on top of the world.

Then I went to go see the bathroom just in case I might like it,when I slided the sliding door I looked at the side and all I could see was two switches.Two of them were the lights,one of them were the lights that were in front of the mirror and the other one was the lights that were on top.

After that I went to go get my netbook and sat on the desk and when I logged in with my password I went to the class blogging site.I went on other people’s blog and I did some commenting on their Winter Learning Journey.

Then I decided that I should play fireboy and watergirl with Alfred until we completed two or three or four levels.While we were playing Toni Leka was playing with Everley and Hiva,Toni was sitting on the couch and Ana was sitting on the bed.

When we all saw the TV,the TV said on it “Welcome,Mrs Fotofili”,when Alfred saw the remote he already knew what to do.When Alfred turned on the TV the movies G force just showed,so then we just decided to watch it since we had nothing to do.

After that Longo and Victoria came into the room and he wanted to buy Pizza hut then Ana,Longo and Victoria went to go buy Pizza.While they are going to go buy Pizza Hut Toni went to sleep.

While Toni was sleeping,I went to the window again and I wanted to see if I could see the mountain but I couldn’t see the mountain.Finally,the pizza got here and when my mum opened the box I could smell the delicious and amazing smell.

After we ate the pizza and drank sprite,all of us decided to watch tv again but this time we were watching “Beauty and the Beast”.While we were watching that Alfred and I was hungry so we decided to eat popcorn.

But first we poured some of the popcorn into the pizza box so that we don’t get the place messy and we don’t have to eat it of from the bed.When I took the first bite of the popcorn I was so very delicious.

After we ate the popcorn we decided to save some for later and then we grabbed the lollies out of the freezer and we ate some then we saved some for later.Longo walked in he said that he was going to the shops.“Do you guys want anything from the shop?”

We replied “Yes,we want chocolates,chips and drinks.Then he just walked of.Five minutes later he brought the stuff that we said that we wanted.When I saw the mams I grabbed it and I got the other stuff.

Alfred and I decided to save some things and to eat for now.After that I was wondering where is Ana.Then I noticed that she was going casino.While Toni was sleeping I logged in netbook with my password and I did some playing.

After that all of us decided to go sleep.When I was falling asleep I heard the door open and I was to tired to look but I wanted to look anyways.When I looked I saw short hair,black pants and blurry things.

It was my mum.When my mum came closer to me I wanted to go to her but I was very tired.My mum told me to go to sleep I wanted to go sleep anyways and then my eyes shutted.

The next day I woke up with Alfred and Hiva.After that we got ready and packed our clothes into our suitcases.When we got outside Toni was staying because my mum told him to stay and we are not going now.

My mum said that we are going to take some photos.After we took the last photo it was time to head back to the room and get our suitcases and go but before I said “Bye hotel”

“I can’t believe we are going back home” I said “Yeah,the days are fast” Alfred said as we headed outside.”I hope we come back another time” I whispered to myself.

5 Elements of a story

Learning goal:We are learning about the 5 elements of a story to help us understand what we are reading.

My Typing Test

Learning goal:
I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.
This will help me finish my work faster.

On Monday,for my (WPM) I got 37 because sometimes I get some words wrong.

On Friday,for my (WPM) I got 45 because I was focused and I was concentrating.

What is my number?

Learning goal:I am learning that numbers can be shown in many different ways
I can show in my presentation some of the different ways my number can be recorded.

My favourite way is making up a word problem.

My Basic facts Tests

Learning goal:I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

On Friday, for my results I got 60/60 because I was fully concentrating and nothing would stop me from doing my work.


On Friday,for my result I got 34/60 because someone was disturbing me and I couldn't really concentrate