I go to a catholic school, do you go to a catholic school?
I think that it is important to go to a catholic school because we need to learn about the history of Jesus and God.
Going to an catholic school is better than going to a non-catholic school. Catholic schools have more to learn about like catholic schools have Religious Education. Normal schools probably don’t learn about Jesus’s footsteps, but we, catholic schools are trying to follow in his footsteps because we feel that it is the right thing to do.
Going to an catholic school is very important because each family in our school brings an food item that is closed and then we deliver the food item to the food bank. This act is important because we deliver it to the food bank who give it to those people that are in need. We give it to those people who are in need because it is healthy for them and so that they are not hungry. I feel like that we give it to those people in need because they
I agree with myself on what I said about a catholic school is better than a non-catholic school. These are the reasons of why going to an catholic school is important.
you are a good girl and have a good life and a happy life in the wold and have a good day at school