On Sunday, after Church my mum was planning a barbecue at my older sister’s house and my siblings and I agreed. When we went to my older sister’s house, her husband already started to put the chickens and the sausage into the barbecue.
After that we had to wait until the food was ready and while it was frying my little cousins and I was playing with the neighbors. Then one of the neighbors said that I could play with some of her slimes.
Second I went inside to have a drink because it was so hot that I was sweaty on my forehead but I cleaned it of my forehead. Then the sausages were ready but we had to wait until chickens were ready.
After a while I went to go help my older sister ( Theresa ) go make the drink and the drink that we are drinking is cordial. After that I went to my mum and I wanted to help her with the potato salad.
After a while I saw Theresa making salad and I wanted to help her because then the food will be ready faster. Then the chickens were ready and I was so happy because I was so hungry.
Before we had to eat we had to say a grace and my dad decided to say the grace. After the my dad said the grace we began to eat barbecue. I straight away grabbed two sausages and 4 chickens.
Then I got one full spoon one potato salad and one full spoon of salad. Then I sat down onto my chair. It was so delicious that I ate the whole thing all in 4 minutes. It was the best food that I could eat the whole thing but I was full.
After that I just ate another sausage and another chicken because a was a little bit more hungry. Then I went to go play with the neighbours and Evangeline said that I was allowed to play with some of her slimes.
After 15 minutes I got bored playing with the slimes so I went inside and ate some more because after 15 minutes I always get hungry. After that it was time to go home. I would never forget this moment.