
Friday, 18 May 2018

Basic Facts Test

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

On Monday, I got 52 because I wasn't that concentrating because everyone was talking. I need to work on Addition to 20,Subtraction to 20,Multiplication x2 x5 x10 and Division /2 /5 /10.

On Friday I got 51/60 because I was wearing different clothes and I was disturbed. I need to work on Addition to 20,Subtraction to 20 and Division /2 /5 /10.

1 comment:

  1. Talofa Dianne,
    I really love the effort you put into your basic facts test maybe you could practice more on your basic facts but other than that keep up the good.

