
Friday, 22 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey Day 4

Day 4 - Hitting a High Note Activity 1 - The Waiata - A Song in Your Heart. On your blog tell us which one of the waiata you found you like the most. Why do you like it? The song that I have found is the Tiaho mai rā and I like it because I have heard it on youtube about a million times. I have heard another version which I think is better. The song makes me feel happy because when you translate the Maori words they are happy sounding words such as shining, morning, star, love, world, moon and rising. The song is about a star in the night which is a reminder of everlasting love and love songs make me happy. Activity 2 - Playing Games. Hundreds of years ago, young Māori children were taught to play a number of games, including Poi Rakau, Ki O Rahi, Koruru Taonga and Poi Toa. Read about each of these four games on the Rangatahi tu Rangatira website. Have you played any of them before? Isn’t it cool how the games have been passed down for generations?. Choose one game, and on your blog, tell us the (i) name of the game: Poi Rakau. (ii) the goal or purpose of the game: Pass the rākau without dropping it or hitting other players. (iii) two rules: 1. You must catch the rākau with the opposite hand from the person throwing (If they throw with their right then you must catch with your left) 2. You have to then throw to the person on the side of the hand you threw from.
If you do anything different to these 2 rules you are out Bonus Activity - Musical Festivals – Matatini On your blog, rank the performances from your favourite (#1) to least favourite (#3) and tell us why you gave them the ranking that you did. #1 - Tamatea Arikinui - I picked this one as 1st because this one is my best one and I love their costume and their little poi. My favourite part was when they were swinging their poi. I would like to learn how to swing the poi like that.
#2 - Te Puku o Te Ika I - I picked this was one as 2nd because I liked the little thing on their head during the dance. It makes their costume pop out more.
#3 - Te Iti Kahurangi - I picked this one as third because it was my least favourite one and also in the beginning was a little scary for me. It was scary for me because they were shouting in the beginning and because it was too loud for me, and I don’t like things that are too loud or scary for me. I think the shouting was part of the singing and the people wearing costumes were shouting.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Dianne, I love reading your blog posts because you have the question and answer in different colours. It's a great idea because it makes it so much easier to read. Keep it up!

    Thank you for sharing your favourite Waiata and writing a few sentences to accompany it. I like how you have taken a few key lyrics from the song and shared the translation with us. It's great to read all your reasons for selecting the song.
    What sort of music do you usually listen to? Who is your favourite singer?

    I've also enjoyed reading that your game of choice is Poi Rakau. It is such a classic game. I don't think people will ever stop playing it. I like how there are only two simple rules. I have played this game many times with my class. Have you ever played it at school?

    I am pleased to read your bonus activity too. It's great that you have given such detailed reasons for the order of your choices. You have mentioned costume, dance, vocal strength and also how the performances made you feel. I am glad to see that you realise a performance has many different aspects to it.
    Have you ever been apart of a performance of any kind?

    Thanks, Billy
