
Friday, 17 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 5

Friday 10 January 
Week 4: All the World’s a Stage
Activity Day 5: Dancing Queens
Activity 1: The World of Hip Hop
What I liked about it:
What I liked was everything the dancers, the outfit, the organisation and the effort that they put in the dance. 

What I didn’t like:
There was nothing that I disliked, everything was perfect.

What I think could be improved:
I think that there is nothing to be improved, everything is perfect like the dancers, outfits and effort and others. 

Activity 2: En Pointe 

“Laugh with many, but don’t trust any” means that you can joke around with people but sometimes you can’t trust them because if you trust them maybe something bad will happen to you. To me, it also means to be careful who you trust because who you trust is someone who you find trustworthy and you just rely on that person. 

Activity 3: Concluding the Journey 

  1. I enjoyed Activity 2 of Week 4
  2. There wasn’t an activity that I didn’t enjoy
  3. I learned that you can help raise money for Charity by joining in the 40 Hour Famine group. I have also learned by just doing something you love you can get famous and the last thing that I have learned is that you can help others by supporting them on their journey to their dream.
  4. 1 improvement that I would make for the programme next year is to be more organised because during this programme I wasn’t really organised.

Saturday, 11 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 4

Thursday 9 January 
Week 4: All the World’s a Stage
Day 4: Arty Designers
Activity 1: Fashion Forward
Twenty Seven Names wasn’t their name at first, they got Twenty Seven Names by naming it Love Lies Bleeding but they changed it after finding out that the name was copyrighted by a US company. So they named it Twenty Seven Names because there were 27 people who supported their business along the way. I think that it is a great name and they should keep it the same. 

Activity 2: Try your own Tapa
Each pattern describes that with God and your family you can get anywhere like the diamonds, it’s like a mountain, no matter how high or tough is you can still get up there. The circle in the middle, it’s like a maze, no matter or complicated it is, you can still get there you just have to keep trying and that’s the same for all of the patterns. Even in real life, keep trying and try your best. 
Activity 3: Top Secret Street Art
  • They are both based on people
  • Kind of have the same colors
  • They are both famous 
  • They both are showing their faces


  • They are different Genders
  • Muhammad Ali’s one is smaller then Joel Hart’s one
  • Joel’s art has butterflys and Muhammad has colors as the background
  • Muhammad’s eyes isn’t really showing properly and Joel’s eyes are popping

Friday, 10 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 3

Wednesday 8 January
Week 4: All the World’s a Stage
Day 3: Screen Legends 
Activity 1: Talk Show Host
When I grow older, I want to be a Flight Attendant or a Nurse because I want to help people and these 2 jobs are one of the things that you can do to help them. I wouldn’t start right away because I still have to study all about the job so I would continue with my studies. 

Activity 2: Plot Points 
Name of the Movie: World War III
Settings: USA 
Characters: Donald Trump, Iran
Main Event: When Donald Trump doesn’t allow Iran people to be in America and then [the Iran people somehow finds a way to allow them into America. 

This book is about what is happening right now, Donald Trump doesn’t let African American people into America and how he is treating them. I want this to be about my book because when or if the younger kids read this then they will know how Donald Trump treated these people how you SHOULD treat people. 

Activity 3: Feast of Famine

Of course! I would consider doing a 20 or 40 hour Famine to raise money for charity because I know that there are some people that suffer because they don’t have any money to buy water or food or even afford a house. I love to see people’s smile.

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 2

Tuesday 7 January 
Week 4: All the World’s a Stage
Day 2: Musos
Activity 1: Getting Stronger
Top 5 Artists:

Top 5 Songs:
Gyptian - African Prize
Brockhampton - Sugar
Eminem - Mockingbird or When I’m gone
Blackpink - As if it’s your last or Stay
Nelly - Dilemma

Activity 2: K-pop Heroes
I have actually heard about BTS before because my one of my best friends and aunty is obsessed with Korean bands like BTS and Korean Drama. I don’t like BTS because there is a girl band called BlackPink that I really love and enjoy to watch and listen to their music videos, BlackPink is a Korean group of 4 girls. BlackPink’s fans which is also called Blinks don’t like BTS and BTS’s fans don’t like BlackPink, so they are enemies. 

Activity 3: Girl Power

My Best Friends are role models to me because they always motivate me to keep trying and never give up, they also motivate me to try my best in tests and anything like that. They are also role models to me because they always help me out and they do what's best for me.

Monday, 6 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 1

Monday 6 January
Week 4: All the World’s a Stage
Day 1: Bookworms
Activity 1: Rags to Riches

Activity 2: Romeo and Juliet
My Regular English
I woke up early but then I went back to sleep then I woke up around 12:50 and then I got ready like brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then I went with my sister Naomi and my brother Peli to go and buy some food. It turned out we bought chicken and chips and ate it outside a park while some random kids were playing at the park. 

Shakespearean English
 I did wake up early but then i wenteth backeth to catch but a wink then i did wake up 'round 12:50 and then i did get eft liketh did brush mine own teeth and wash'd mine own visage.  Then i wenteth with mine own sist'r naomi and mine own broth'r peli to wend and buyeth some food. T did turn out we hath bought chicken and chips and consumed t outside a parketh while some by fate kids w're playing at the parketh 

Activity 3:  The Diary of Anne Frank
Dear Diary,
I woke up from my nap and I looked up at the sky and it was green orange with yellow, I thought it was the sunset but then 2 minutes later I looked back at the sky it was green mixed blue. I was so confused and then it popped into my head, is the sky really changing colors? Or is something just happening with my eyes?. But then I just realised I had a dream, that was a weird dream. 
Peace Out Diary!!!.

Saturday, 4 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 5

Friday 3 January 
Week 3: Experiments and Gadgets
Day 5: Creativity +
Activity 1: Ministry of Inspiration 
I would not join an Underwater Robotics team at my school because I feel like there would be important responsibilities, I would also not the team because I kind of looks a little bit difficult to build. It looks very fun and awesome.

Image result for Underwater Robotics
Activity 2: Caine’s Arcade
My Favourite game is connect 4 and to play Connect 4 all you have to do is put the counters 4 in a row, it can be up, down, across and diagonally but you and your opponent are taking turns and the first person to have their counters 4 in a row they win.
Image result for connect 4

Activity 3: Choose your Own
  1. A J Hackett
  2. AJ jumped down from a building and got arrested immediately because he was bungee jumping but then 5 minutes later he was released.
  3. He impacted on other peoples life by showing them a new thing which was bungee jumping which they loved and couldn’t wait to leap off a tower with faith and fear.

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 4

Thursday 2 January 
Week 3: Experiments and Gadgets
Day 4: Hauora
Activity 1: Medical Mavericks 
Image result for Abiy Ahmed Ali
I have chosen Abiy Ahmed Ali, he was born on 15 of August 1976 in Beshasha, Ethiopia and he is a Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for 2019 for his efforts to achieve peace and international collaboration and in particular for his decisive initiatives to resolve the border conflict with neighbouring Eritrea. 

Activity 2: iMoko
5 things I do/eat to stay healthy and strong
  1. I eat healthy things like vegetables, fruits and salad and more!
  2. I sometimes drink a lot of water.
  3. I get enough of sleep sometimes and if I don't, then I will just sleep throughout the day.
  4. I wash my hands after using the bathroom, when they are dirty and if I have touched something that has germs in it.
  5. I like to relax by sleeping because sometimes I stress about things and sleeping really helps me to push those stress away. 

Activity 3: Putting Our Heads Together

I have put these words on the poster because I feel like people who have mental health want to tell people about their mental health, and I feel like it is better to talk about those feelings about you or your surroundings to other people than keeping it inside you and not sharing.

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 3

Wednesday 1 January 2020
Week 3: Experiments and Gadgets
Day 3: Inventive Inventors
Activity 1: Nanogirl
Of course!, I would live in a tiny house because it is so awesome inside the tiny houses and it can just be house for you or you and your best friends or you and your partner. I would also live in a tiny house because some of the tiny houses can be located in forests and where there are lots of trees which I love so every morning I can just wake up to beautiful trees. I feel like having a tiny house would be good for you if you like to be lonely or if you don’t like big space. I would also live in a tiny house because it is easier to move around the house which is kind of better than a bigger house or just a regular house. 

Activity 2: Printing Prosthetics
Something that I like about this video is that they are giving these prosthetics away for free, I really like this bit because I know that there is a lot of kids and people who don’t have fingers, hands or wrist, so I know that the prosthetics is going to help them. I also like this part because I know for sure that these kids are happy and I really like kids have a smile on their face. 

One thing that I have learned:
  • With over 5,400 people helping, they are on track to supply prosthetics to 6,000 people over the next two years.

One thing that surprised me when I was watching this video:
  • What surprised me is that the prosthetics is made from 3D printers, I thought that the prosthetics were made from hand-made. It is so shocking that it is made from 3D printers. 

Activity 3: Need for Speed

I would like my first fast vehicle to be an electric scooter that has a seat so you can have an option whether you would like to sit or stand, for me, I would definitely sit on the seat. How about you?. It is made out of metal and I would like it to be blue and black because these 2 colors are my favourite, I would like it to go fast like 300km per hour, I feel like me and my brother would ride it because I think my brother likes fast things like cars.