Friday 10 January
Week 4: All the World’s a Stage
Activity Day 5: Dancing Queens
Activity 1: The World of Hip Hop
What I liked about it:
What I liked was everything the dancers, the outfit, the organisation and the effort that they put in the dance.
What I didn’t like:
There was nothing that I disliked, everything was perfect.
What I think could be improved:
I think that there is nothing to be improved, everything is perfect like the dancers, outfits and effort and others.
Activity 2: En Pointe
“Laugh with many, but don’t trust any” means that you can joke around with people but sometimes you can’t trust them because if you trust them maybe something bad will happen to you. To me, it also means to be careful who you trust because who you trust is someone who you find trustworthy and you just rely on that person.
Activity 3: Concluding the Journey
- I enjoyed Activity 2 of Week 4
- There wasn’t an activity that I didn’t enjoy
- I learned that you can help raise money for Charity by joining in the 40 Hour Famine group. I have also learned by just doing something you love you can get famous and the last thing that I have learned is that you can help others by supporting them on their journey to their dream.
- 1 improvement that I would make for the programme next year is to be more organised because during this programme I wasn’t really organised.