
Monday, 24 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 1

WEEK 2: Water, Water, Everywhere

Day 1. Swimming with the fish
Activity 1
I don’t have a favourite summer activity or any summer activity but in the evening or around 12 something I have been wanting to write about my day and what I am predicting about my day and predict what is going to happen, I want to write it in my diary that a friend of mine gave to me. While doing that I want to listen to songs because without the songs my life would be so boring and I would be yawning everyday. But the only thing that I hate about myself with songs and home learning is that when I listen to sons while doing my home learning I cannot concentrate with the music on and doing my home learning so that’s why I always have to turn off the music and then I turn back the music after I read or doing my home learning. I have been wanting to do it because I have so much extra time and I have nothing to do, I also want to do it because I want to listen to songs so much and I listen to songs so much other times.

Activity 2
If I had a free ticket and I would take 3 people, I would take:

My teacher, Mrs Middleton because she is so supportive and she will make sure that I have a great time and even though, I will lose she will say “You tried your best and at least you had a awesome experience” or something like that. She will have my confidence bar high and higher. She is also like a second mother to me and she will never be forgotten, without her supporting me than I wouldn’t have that much confidence then I have now.

My best friend, Silia because she keeps on making me laugh and I cannot stop laughing in class because of her, she is the reason why I am smiling and laughing everyday. Every time she is not around me it’s like I have a missing sister and I need to find that missing sister that a part of my life.

My mother, Ana because she is also very supportive and like without her, my life would be so empty and without her my life wouldn’t be completed. She is everything to me and with her it’s like a excited and fun roller coaster. Fun because she is the one that makes the roller coaster bumpy which makes it fun and excited because she makes the me laugh with the surprises she has for the siblings and I. She means the world to me.

Activity 3
Fish Fact #1: The oldest known fish in the world is a 65 year old Australian lungfish - TRUE
Fish Fact #2: Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids - TRUE
Fish Fact #3: Starfish are a type of fish - FALSE
Fish Fact #4: Fish communicate with each other by making low-pitched sounds (moans, hisses, etc) - TRUE

Fish Fact #5: Fish usually swim together in groups called ‘classes - TRUE


  1. Hi Dianne

    It is clear that you love to write. All the writing in your diary has paid off. I also can’t focus when I listen to music and write. Sometimes I like to listen to the sound of rain. The white noise blocks out distractions and makes it easier to focus on my writing. Maybe this is something you could try?

    You have picked three wonderful people to take with you Toupō. I like that you have identified how supportive these people are and how that is important to you. Do you think you would be able to ride the 160km? I think I would want to start with the 80km half race.

    Blog you later,

    1. Hi Izzy,
      Thank you so much for commenting on my blog and I have to try that one day.

      I think that I can't ride 160km but I also like to start 80km half race also.

      Thanks, Izzy
