
Thursday, 26 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 4

Week 2: I have a Dream
Day 4: Indigenous Rights
Activity 1: Guiding Principles
Activity 2: Celebrating Diversity
  1. Some people keep track of the days in their sacred calendar in order to to time rituals and celebrations.
  2. A man watches the sun and the stars to know when to plant.
  3. There are old cities buildings that were constructed to be placed in a line with the sun, moon and stars.

  1. In Japan, there are not many opportunities for people to be exposed to Ainu language and culture.
  2. Between 1871 and 1876, the Japanese government forced the Ainu to be Japanese citizens without their permission. 
  3. The Ainu language was forbidden and the people were forced to speak Japanese.

Activity 3: Wise Words
One of my best friends (Sia) is one of the many role models that I look up to, she is a role model to me because I know that she goes through rough times but she still gets back up again and continues to be happy as she always is. She is also a role model to me because she is always strong to me and she is a lovely person. 

Sia’s Advice:

I think that for all those you want to follow their dreams all you have to do is keep going, try your best, work had and never give up. Always be positive and remember that you can do anything with God. 


  1. Hi Dianne, Mrs Collins from Manaiakalani again commenting on blogs over term break. Well done on posting and participating in the SLJ this year. I really like the DLO you shared about celebrating diversity and I learnt something new too! Keep blogging, and commenting on others, to increase your chance of winning one of the awesome prizes and to keep up your learning over the school break!

    1. Hi Heather,
      I find it very amazing that we learn something new just by doing activities and more. I will try my best to comment on others and keep blogging.

      Thank you for commenting on my blog!

  2. Hi Dianne.
    It's Lukas.
    Great to see you blogging! Nice work! Thats great advice Sia! Thanks Sia I will. I like how in Activity 2 you put a extra fact then you were mean't to so great job and keep up the great work!

    Kind Regards

    1. Hi Lukas,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog and it is great to see you commenting on others blogs.

      You also keep up the great work!
      Thank you,
