Day 4: Politics and Activism
Activity 1: Leading the Charge
For this activity, let’s imagine that, like Helen, you are hired to lead an organisation. In this case, you are hired to be the principal of your school for one week. How exciting?! What changes would you introduce? Would you make the school day longer? Would you introduce daily trips to the swimming pool?
On your blog, list five changes that you would make to your school if you were hired to be the principal for one week.
1. After morning and lunch break, I would allow the kids to be calmed down by videos called Cosmic Kids Yoga (Aka Peace Out). I feel that kids need to be calmed down because after break kids are always running around the classrooms and always seem to distract other students from their learning. Sometimes kids are too hyped up and sometimes teachers can't handle that.
2. If I was a principal for a week, I would want the year 8s and 7s to go on a trip before they leave to go to college. Maybe even go camp or skate land or to the pools, something that the students would enjoy and never forget. I would want to do this because I want the students to have a little fun before they go college.
3. I would make the school days shorter like around 2:45 because I feel that students just want to go home early and maybe go back home and have more rest after school. I also think finishing school early would be interesting.
4. I would make the breaks a little bit more longer because I love it when the kids are playing around and running, it makes me happy. I think having longer breaks will definitely make the kids more happy, it will allow kids to have more time to play or eat.
5. I would want the children to celebrate every culture just by wearing the cultural clothes or bring the cultural food and share it with everyone.
Activity 2: Fighting for freedom
For this activity, please think about an issue you would protest over (non-violently, of course!).
On your blog, explain the issue clearly and tell us why it is so important to you.
Bullying is a issue that I really hate and I see it happen mostly everyday. Bullying is dangerous because it can lead people to think that they are worthless or even worse than that which is commit suicide, bullying hurts people's feelings, it leads people to depression which is not good. This is so important to me because I hate seeing people's feelings get destroyed and I also hate that they are not happy, I hate it to see people unhappy. It is better to see people when they are happy and smiling, I am happy when they are happy.
Activity 3:Mass Migration
For this activity, let’s imagine that Donald Trump called you up and asked for your opinion on this controversial issue.
On your blog, please tell us what you think about his plan to build a wall between the USA and Mexico. Is it a good idea or a bad idea? Why do you think so?
I think that this is a bad idea because Donald Trump is separating the Mexican people and the American people, there is nothing wrong with mixing Mexican and American people together. I also think that this is a bad idea because the Mexican people just wants to visit USA because there might families in America. I really hate that the Mexican people had to walk all the way to America and most of them can't even get in to America because they need permission, I also hate the fact that they had nowhere to sleep, it hurts my heart. I hate the way that Donald Trump is treating the Mexican people, everyone should be treated just like how they want to be treated.
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